Re: [CR]Gimondi (reprise)

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 22:11:18 -0500
Subject: Re: [CR]Gimondi (reprise)
From: "Richard M Sachs" <>

your frame is likely an industrial made frame, made for the 'home market', rather than for export. gimondi 'could' be felice gimondi, but i very much doubt it; his ties to bianchi are too strong. gimondi is not an uncommon name in italy. the fact that the bMz marque is present is my reason for this. biemezzetta, (bMz), was/is a frame making company that specialized in private label frames. if one had some capital, a logo, a few size designs, and patience, biemezzetta and companys like it, (romani, etcetera), would make the frames for you. e-RICHIE chester

p.s. do you shoot hoops at the cage two blocks down?

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 21:39:06 EST writes:
> Reprise, with my name & location & improved spelling
> =================================================
> A friend has a bicycle he bought in Italy called a "Gimondi". He
> bought it
> long (20 years?) ago, paid a lot, and the frame has the sticker
> shown below.
> My impression is that there is a world of "classics" that never made
> it to
> the US -- and this may be one of those unknown but quality names.
> Anybody know what a Gimondi is, or what it's frame might be made
> from? An
> excerpt of an exchange about this is below.
> - Charles
> ==================================================
> >C> Gimondis appear to be not well known in the US, but
> >C>I saw a lot of postings about them in Italian.
> S> I don't know if the tubing is Columbus. All it says is Tubazione
> Leggiera
> 0.9, with a tubing
> S> abel that say BZ with an M above (the M is spread out to look
> like two
> mountains, one above the
> S> B and the other above the Z).
> =========================================================================
> Charles B. Kramer
> New York, New York, 7th Street (north side)
> Blood type: unknown