Are you sure it was meant to have a front derailleur? Many TT bikes don't.
By the way, who would have been riding for Raleigh USA, then? Steve Tilford, maybe?
Rick Chasteen, Kansas City
> I got a Raleigh time trial frame recently, and I'm puzzled by some of the
> setup.
> The bike seems to have been set up for Dura Ace Ax parts, but the puzzling
> bit is
> the front derailleur setup, or lack of one. There's a threaded mount where
> the
> brazeon should be, but there's no place to route the cable inside the
> The
> brake and rear cables go through the frame but there's no hole for the
> cable.
> Was there another device that might have been used here? like a tensioner
> guide
> to keep the chain from coming off?
> I'm not sure, but I belive the bike is from about 83-84, maybe a couple
> years newer.
> I have a picture at
> Thanks,
> Steve Birmingham
> Lowell, Ma