Re: [CR]Need: Hub Dust Caps

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 20:42:27 -0800
Subject: Re: [CR]Need: Hub Dust Caps
From: Mark A. Perkins <>

Hello all:

That practice was more common prior to the '70's. They were called "drop bearings", because they would remove one ball per side, as well as the grease (and dust caps I believe), then use regular 30 wt oil as needed. I have been told that one could hear the clicking of the bearings as they dropped through the space where there used to be a bearing. I guess they figured the grease slowed them down and the oil would be faster, while the removal of the bearings and dust caps made the wheel lighter and faster.

On Sun, 03 Mar 2002 18:49:27 -0200 "Harvey M. Sachs" <> writes:
> [ snip ]
> I do seem to remember some trackies running w/o dustcaps, and with oil
> dripped in the bearings for each race. Show them your balls, seems to have
> been the attitude...
> harvey sachs
> mclean va
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