A bit obvious for Shilling, isn't it? Looks like a
Mafactoolkit vendetta to me... Scott in Arctic St.
Paul, MN--- nath <ferness261@voyager.net> wrote:
> David,
> I did the same thing, and got the same reply. Funny
> that the exact
> correlation between senditnow's 67 auctions and
> mafactoolkit's 67 bids
> wasn't enough evidence for them.
> Tell you what, though: it's enough evidence of
> shilling for me, and no
> matter how desirable they are, I'll never bid for
> any vintage cycling parts
> in a senditnow auction.
> Not even on that pink plastic Ofmega rear derailleur
> he was offering.
> That's just about the ugliest derailleur I've ever
> seen!
> nath dresser
> spring green, wi (10 degrees below zero at 6:30 AM
> today, though now we're
> up to 2 below zero. . . .)
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