RE: [CR]Allegro decals

(Example: Racing)

From: "Jim Cunningham" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Allegro decals
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 13:37:04 -0700
In-Reply-To: <>


Thanks for asking. We have reporduced many variation of Allegro decals and can reproduce any of their finishes including pinstriped, airbrushed and smoked versions. These bike with their elaborate finishes have been a favorite of mine since I refinsihed my first one in 1975. I'd be very glad to estiamte any allgro finsh you'd like and would really apreciate your support.

Jim Cunninhgam ~CyclArtist

Vista, CA

> A friend has a mid 70's Allegro that was repainted years ago, and is
> now considering selling it. I'm considering buying as an interesting
> project, but my goal would be to return it to it's original state
> paint and decal-wise. Are decals generally available or would I have
> to get the job doe by the folks at Cycl-Art to actually get decals?
> David Bilenkey
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada