[CR]Newbie, looking for info on Legnano, others

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

Date: Sat, 06 Apr 2002 19:47:32 -0500
From: "Stan" <531guy@comcast.net>
To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Newbie, looking for info on Legnano, others

Hi, I'm a newbie, and enjoyed reading the discussion for the last week, and likewise have enjoyed the great CR website the last couple of years.

My first lightweight bike was a Swiss Cilo "Sprint X" which I purchased new (for $337) in either 1972 or 1973. I still have it. It's all Campy NR except for the brakes, which are Weinmann 999. It was said at the time that Cilo was trying to enter the U.S. market and was offering these bikes at a loss. It seems to me that there was a small note in one of the bicycle magazines of the time that a noted framebuilder was assembling these for Cilo. If anyone remembers anything about this, I'd like to know. The alternative bike that I was considering was the Windsor Pro, which was only $240 with Campy sidepulls, a terrific bargain. However, comparing them side by side, I much preferred the Cilo in spite of the considerably higher cost and the lesser Weinmann brakes. I still think it's a great bike, and one of the nicest things I ever bought. I rode it quite a bit the first couple of years, and then became interested in cars and only rode it sparingly until 1995, when I decided riding would be good for my health, and enjoyed it as much or more those next couple years as when I first purchased it. I also bought a McClain roller shortly after the Cilo in 1973, which I resurrected from a corner of the garage last year.

The last couple of years, I've put together a small collection of mostly common bike boom bikes. Except for the Legnano and Cinelli, (like many collectors,) they're bikes I remember seeing I was shopping for my original bike. While not as rare and as fancy as some, I thought they were pretty good bikes for the money then, and still so today, and better still, suited to my limited budget, (which of course I exceeded several frames/parts back). I'm especially fond of the Raleigh Pro's with the fastback stays and the sloping fork crown like the Cinelli. Here's what I playing with, oldest to newest:

· Legnano, ? year, (would like to identify it), serial # EQ501. Legnano racing green, purchased as frame only, has ½ chrome forks/stays, 1 shifter boss on right side, pump brackets on down tube, and single white stripes on all tubes, and seems to be a very lightweight frame for it's age. I'm having fun polishing up some leftover "cat from every alley" NR parts that will get it back together economically. Unfortunately, the O/S radius on the rear derailleur hanger is larger than any of the few 1960's-70's derailleurs I have, (except for a Shimano Crane which looks like it would go on easily), and I don't want to modify the frame, so I 'm considering customizing an NR to work. I'm guessing someone may know the age of these by serial # since there is an old Legnano on the CR website, serial # EX 8431, 1939, that was shown at the 2001 Cirque owned by Aldo Ross. Any info on the serial #/age/model, would be appreciated.

· Cinelli SC, 1959, serial #6361, chrome, +GF+ under BB. Found in CR classifieds, prior owner bought as frame only in 1974 then built up as tourer with new NR/SR parts and barcons. I removed the fenders and racks and switched to Phil hubs and Fiamme yellow labels. It's compromised without the original 1959 parts, and has some chipping chrome, but the NR parts are like new, and it's still on the road.

· Cilo, Sprint X, 1972, silver, It's the one I purchased new in 1973. It's all Campy NR except for Weinmann 999 centerpulls. Has Bocama Pro lugs, Campy dropouts, chrome forks and stays.

· Jeunet, said to be "Professional" model, about 1972/3, frame only, is somewhat similar to model 630 on CR site. Has Bocama Pro lugs, chrome forks/stays. It was originally white, then after many years, orig. owner wanted to change color and poorly resprayed. I'm aiming to repaint, and build into a budget tourer. I found a NOS Rally and GS triple, and have the used Bluemels fenders and Blackburn racks removed from the Cinelli. I'm guessing that you can't load those aftermarket racks too heavily, unlike those on the fancy touring bikes, but I in the meantime I don't have any long trips planned either. Anyone have/know of Jeunet decals?

· Gitane, Tour De France, about 1972/3, green, a much spiffier ride than I imagined. However, the Simplex derailleurs, although nearly new in appearance are a bit limp. I will reluctantly, because the bike is so nice, change at least the rear derailleur to NR. Dropout is not tapped, so will either tap or rig male/female hanger bolt. Any suggestions? Also obtained nice matching Gitane light up sign from Mike Kone, of Bicycle Classics.

· LeJeune, 1973, LeJeune red/orange, frame only, purchased from John Barron/Velostuf. Found correct '73 NR parts to reassemble. When I get it together, I'm aiming to split most of my riding time between this and the Raleigh 753.

· Raleigh Pro, 1974, silver/black, I first saw it on display at the fancy "Eyes on the Classics" car show in Grosse Pointe Michigan a few years ago when they had a bicycle class. It looked brand new, so I took a couple photos. As fate would have it, I found out shortly after that the owner worked where I did but in a different dept. As luck would have it, he was willing to sell, so I bought it! It's my wallbike concession until further notice.

· Raleigh Pro 1975, mink blue, has had lots of happy miles, has lots of happy miles left. Prior owner/sometime racer said he bought it used in 1981 for $850. Very much like the Robert Hill, Raleigh Pro "Holy Grail" article. Still a great bike.

· Raleigh 753 Team Pro, 1983. Not the fancy team race colors but gold, purchased frame only, found in BC's classifieds. Frame seems very nicely put together. In the last two years I've found some cherry SR parts to put it back together and with the handlebar tape I received from Sheldon Brown last week I think it's complete.

Looking forward to many years of happy riding,

Stan Staniszewski

Clinton Twp., MI