Richard M Sachs wrote:
"last week i was given the catalog noted in the text below. i have tried to find links to the exhibit in the museum's archives, but i'm stymied. so i'm furnishing this text and link with the hope that some of you, if interested, will call the museum directly and obtain the catalog. i hope it's available! why? the introduction, written by a richard mandell, is one of the most well-thought-out texts i've ever seen on the appreciation and explanation of why some bicycles 'deserve' to be coveted and collected. (these are my interpretations of his words, not the mission of his introduction). the text is about 5 pages of the 24 page catalog. additionally, each of the 14 bicycles exhibited is given a full page and the accompanying text is written extremely and expertly well!! <snip> the museum's telephone number is 803.799.2810 e-RICHIE not your average docent"
I met Mr. Mandell, but can't remember where (Cirque?) and he gave me a copy of the catalog. In addition the praise from richie, I'd note that the booklet itself is really very nicely done, to a very high standard. Good paper, clean typeface, lovely pictures, unobtrusive but effective design. It complements my expectations of a great bike!
Harvey (not your average) Sachs