Re: [CR]Built-up lugs

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 21:43:27 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]Built-up lugs

In a message dated 4/26/2002 6:39:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< our builder makes lugs this way. you can see an example at scroll towards the bottom of the page and check out the headlug there. it was made from tubing. more from necessity than anything i think. there are few lug blanks to be had these days, or so i understand. i do know haydens are available but they are thick and take more time to file than making them from scratch. or so my builder says. he prefers making them himself. >>

Hmmm. I think there is some confusion or miscommunication here... Are you talking about the green head lug? That may be a Nervex Pro copy or cut way lug from a blank or tacked on sleeves, but that is not the built up style we are referring to in some French bikes. The built up lugs can be thought of as a sort of artful "puddling up" of brass on top of the lugs themselves to make the transition from one angle to the other into a larger radius. It also means the joint is likely to be at least twice heated..

Now the Hayden blanks are about the same thickness as most stamped lugs and while a lot of work, in theory ought to be just about as easy to work on as builder-added on sections. The truth is that sometimes builders say they don't like to use some elements because they ain't got em.

A recent example of that is the bad mouthing of Reynolds 853, etc. recently by a few small builders. In fact that tubing is just fine, but it is a seriously big pain for makers to get because Reynolds closed their USA distribution warehouse . Builders now have to order direct from England in larger batches than small builders might want and the Reynolds people are slow in shipping....

Dale Brown cycles de ORO, Inc. 1410 Mill Street Greensboro, North Carolina USA 27408 336-274-5959 Fax 336-274-6360 <A HREF=""></A> <A HREF="">Classic Rendezvous</A>