i gotta 'me-too' this one. dale is correct. you can tell from the lug interior that it started life as a pressed steel lug, albeit a blank, unadorned one. it is not two cylinders welded together to 'make a lug', as the french sometimes did. what is shown is custom cutting. if i'm wrong, then everybody at le cirque-i'll give you free red twizzlers. that's a major sacrifice for me. e-RICHIE
On Sat, 27 Apr 2002 13:44:47 EDT OROBOYZ@aol.com writes:
> In a message dated 4/27/2002 1:39:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> twrawson@worldnet.att.net writes:
> << ...if you want to be astounded look at these pictures of Richard
> Moon's SS
> lug and now know that it is made in just this way - welded tubes
> to achieve
> the angles, lines and material he wanted.
> http://www.cwo.com/
> http://www.cwo.com/
> I will be surprised if those are not Hayden blanks..And it looks
> like chrome
> rather than stainless. Anyone know?
> Dale Brown
> cycles de ORO, Inc.
> 1410 Mill Street
> Greensboro, NC 27408
> 336-274-5959
> fax 336-274-6360
> http://www.cyclesdeoro.com
> http://www.classicrendezvous.com