my apologies for missing the entire text. the twizzlers are red. period. e-RICHIE
On Sat, 27 Apr 2002 20:50:23 -0700 "Thomas Rawson"
<> writes:
> In the presence of ERitchie and Dales comments and my concern I
> had erred with the one pic I emailed Richard Moon for help. This
> is what he had to say:
> "The lugs being discussed were made from 304 stainless tubing
> which was
> welded together. It is quite a chore to make them but the finish
> holds up
> much better than chrome and they can be made in any combination
> of angles.
> Richard Moon
> Moon Cycles"
> Ritchie, the attachment referred to was Richard Moons email
> address which was on my first post:
> I like my twizzlers in blue.
> Tom Rawson
> Oakland, CA