Here in my office feet from my computer are two 1938/39 Schwinn Superior
track frames - for those not familiar with the name this was the second level
down Schwinn track frame. It is made from seamless cro mo aircraft tubing.
This is the interesting part this bike was build a long time prior to the
invention of TIG. It is welded just like a modern TIG welded bike and the
welds are beautiful. I have been MIG welding for many many years and would
be hard pressed to make my welds as nice as these two bike frames. I wonder
if anyone was saying it would not last back when it was new. The complete
bike built up the original equipment is 21lbs with modern equipment it would
be much less. Both bikes are ready to ride, not bad for 64 years old.
Guess welding can hold up after all. Too bad the wooden rims and leather
saddles don't fare as well as the steel. Sam DiBartolomeo Riverside, CA