Re: [CR]??Why British/French group & my want list

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 22:06:56 -0600
To: <>, <>
From: "Bicycle Classics inc" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]??Why British/French group & my want list

As a serious French bike fan, I am perplexed at why the combination of British and French in one group. I love British bikes too, but British bikes are very different than French bikes - the essence of the important French bikes, as Jan Heine has elaborated on, is the notion of a "Constructeur" - or the building of a complete bike as opposed to just supplying a frame. Furthermore, the focus on British frames is much different than that of the French - the French don't go for ornate lugs or very unorthodox frames. Also, the British often focus on roadster bikes, but the French had a very different way of addressing similar needs.

The upshot is that if one is going to do something well, I can't understand why the focus would be on two very divergent topics, especially since in my experience the British fans are often very different than the French fans.

Yes, I could also argue that there are similarities between French and British bikes, but so what? All bikes in many ways are very similar - and quite different at the same time.

Perhaps some of my comments are self serving - at some point myself and/or perhaps Jan Heine might do something French specific - and of course if someone wanted to do a great job of it before we get around to it that just saves us work. Any major web pressence, though, would be linked to Dales site - and I hope that anyone considering building up their own web pressance does so in a way that compliments and helps the Classic Rendevous site.

Bikes on my want list in order of desire -

A.Maury - full option tourer 1950's model with shifter built into brake lever like ergo - the machine shop master.

Reyhand - a mens version of the ladies one that was on ebay (and at the Kansas City swap meet awhile back) - a bike poo pooed on this list but in reality, I believe, was the most significant french bicycle to change hands in the United States in the past several years.

Narcise - the bike that unseated Reyhand as perhaps the premier French tourer - had help from a guy named Rene Herse along the way.

Mike Kone in Boulder CO

At 02:06 PM 5/19/02 GMT, wrote:
>We've had an encouraging response to the idea to set
>up a group for British and French bike fans.
>There are around 30 people keen to contribute to and
>benefit from a sharing of information and literature
>about British and French bikes.
>Bob Reid is now working on a website where as much
>stuff as possible will be made available for any
>interested parties.
>Although it was clear enough in my original post,
>it's maybe worth repeating for the hard of
>understanding that THIS IS NOT A BIKE LIST.
>Chuck, give that a moment to sink in and, if there's
>any part of it you still don't understand, let me
>know and I'll talk you through it ;-)
>I'll email everyone who expressed an interest in a
>day or two with more details on how the group might
>develop. Comments and suggestions (off list to Bob or
>me) would be most welcome.
>Thanks to all those who want to get involved.
>Bruce Robbins
>You too can have your own email address from Eurosport.