From: Subject: [CR]History--Alex Singer
Does anyone know the original nationality of Alex Singer and how he came to live in Paris? I suspect some of the English-French group members could help with this. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL
I'm sure several Francophiles in our group would know the answer to your question. I would encourage them to respond but whether or not they will, I don't know. Sad to say, but many of them have a very low opinion of the CR list and have given up on it.
You could always ask Chuck. He has an Alex Singer catalogue that might have a bit of company history in it. Perhaps if you asked nicely he'd ping you a few scans. He might not even charge you too much for them.
I'm still waiting to hear if Chuck's going to make his collection of cycling literature freely available on-line.
Cheers, Bruce
Bruce Robbins Angus Scotland
You too can have your own email address from Eurosport.