Re: [CR]Gipiemme Question

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 20:29:18 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Gipiemme Question
From: "Richard M Sachs" <>

Gi Giovanni Pi Pappaardo Emme Milano

'Gipiemme' founded in mid 70s e-RICHIE chester

On Mon, 27 May 2002 17:14:18 -0700 "nelson miller" <> writes:
> Knowing absolutely nothing about the topic, I will throw in what I
> "heard" regarding Gipiemme--- That the name stands for the initials
> G.P.M. -- and they stood for either one person or three people who
> worked for Campagnolo and left and started doing his/their own
> thing.&nbsp; Is this how rumnors get started?&nbsp; Cheers-- Nelson
> Miller-- Seattle
> ------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------
> &gt;From: "J.Dunn"
> &gt;To:
> ,
> ,
> &gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Gipiemme Question
> &gt;Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 18:00:45 -0800
> &gt;
> &gt;I seem to recall having had several full sets of "Gippiemme"
> brakes in both
> &gt;silver and black. The box said "Made in Italy" tho' the back of
> the
> &gt;calipers were clearly stamped "Simplex__ Made in France"
> &gt;
> &gt;John in Boise
> &gt;
> &gt;----- Original Message -----
> &gt;From:
> &gt;To:
> ;
> &gt;Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 3:01 PM
> &gt;Subject: Re: [CR]Gipiemme Question
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; &gt; Dave,
> &gt; &gt; I am assuming that the seller is confused about the
> GPM/Campy
> &gt; &gt; relationship so chose to do a bit of Ebay speculation,
> possibly to snag an
> &gt; &gt; uneducated bidder.
> &gt; &gt; Campy Never Made anything for GPM. What I recall from
> years ago, it
> &gt; &gt; was the opposite way around; GPM was a contractor for
> Campy.
> &gt; &gt; At the same time, I don't want to denigrate GPM products.
> They even
> &gt; &gt; came out with a one-bolt seatpost years before Campy (SR)
> did, assuming my
> &gt; &gt; hazy memorey is correct. Cheers,
> &gt; &gt; Dave Anderson
> &gt; &gt; Cut Bank MT
> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; In a message dated 5/26/02 5:52:57 PM PST,
> writes:
> &gt; &gt; &gt; "Offered for sale a rare pair of 1980's Gipiemme
> pedals with wire toe
> &gt; &gt; &gt; clips,I believe these to be the sprint model but stand
> to be corrected
> &gt;if
> &gt; &gt; &gt; wrong.I understand that Gipiemme was made by
> Campagnolo in the 1980's
> &gt; &gt; &gt; through to the 1990's,The condition is excellent in
> both chrome and
> &gt;other
> &gt; &gt; &gt; finish, bearings are very smooth."
> &gt; &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; &gt; This bit about Campy making Gipiemme is news to me,
> is this seller just
> &gt; &gt; &gt; embellishing or is there any truth to this, and if so
> any more info
> &gt;about
> &gt; &gt; &gt; this 'relationship'?
> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt;
> &gt; &gt; --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
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> &gt; &gt; ---
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> &gt; &gt; Classicrendezvous mailing list
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