just a couple more bits of info from the literature i have with the gran
sport. there are two catalogs, one original, one a photocopy. the first
original, has no date on it but the front says "raleigh, the all steel
bicycle" it is a 4 pager and starts with the more "entry" level, and works
up to the gran sport, "for the racing man". the second document is a 1962
raleigh catalog that shows their entire line-up for 1962. it also starts
with the entry and works up to the sprite. the gran sport is second down and
is also called "the pride of the line" it specifies "high-tensile steel
tubing" the last one is the sprite which though it is called a "custom" it
doesn't specify tubing at all. as for price, i don't have a retail price
sheet but i do have a "confidential dealer price list" for may 1963. the
wholesale price of the gran sport that year was $79.50.
happy trials, i mean trails.
sarah gibson