Asking about an 80's Miyata model 114. Not sure whether the bike is within the timeline, because I thought it was lugged steel and the owner has just told me it was aluminum.
A lady locally had been riding this bike as a tourer for many years, after having bought it new somewhere up in New Jersey. I noticed it and complimented her on it a few weeks ago while we were on a ride, offering to help her maintain it since most of our local shops around here treat such older touring framesets like so much crap. I believe I was impressed by cantilever brakes and lugged steel construction, but my memory is a little hazey. Anyway, the lady wrote me a couple of days ago, to tell me that her beloved Miyata had been stolen and for me to keep an eye out for it for her.
I offered to help her replace it if it could not be found. I was willing to GIVE her my son's older lugged steel Miyata 914 frameset if it had fit her, but it was too big for her. So, I brought out a nice old Raleigh Super Course I had rebuilt for my wife Valinda. It is gold, with an original version DuraAce double crank and SunTour Cyclone (long-cage rear) shifters friction downtube, 21" c-t. Valinda never liked it, so I thought I might find it a new home where it would be appreciated. It fit her very nicely !
Her rejection of it was a bit disturbing to me. She told me she wanted indexed 6-speed downtube shifting, like her Miyata had had, instead of friction shifting since "that old friction stuff was not repairable, there being no parts available anymore", and anyway her Miyata had been really light since it was made of aluminium instead of steel. I thought, "Lugged aluminium ???" like a Vitus or a Raleigh Technium ? I had thought Miyatas were steel bikes in those days. But, she was certain.
I finally advised her to check with Gilbert over at North Road in Raleigh for a nice touring model, like my Nishiki Continental (thanks, Chesley!) or Aaron's Univega Speciallisimo, or failing that to see if any local shops would order her a Trek 520 tourer. But I am left feeling a bit at a loss.
Was the Miyata 114 an aluminium framed touring bike ? Does anyone know anything more about Miyata's touring lineups over the years ?
A bit sad this afternoon, but riding a nice charity metric century tomorrow morning !
Glenn Jordan - Durham, NC