In a message dated 5/31/02 6:16:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
<< I am quite
surprised, however, that no one yet has mentioned
the blind tests (under the auspices of Bicycle
Guide, or some other "major" publication) carried
out on about 6 identically constructed, decal
free framesets (made by Torelli of various tubing
mixes) about 12 years ago. The bikes were
assembled with identical groups, wheels and
tires, then turned over to a crew of testers. The
testers were allowed to return to bikes to check
their ride feelings, and I remember no lead
waterbottles or some such being used to equalize
weights of bikes. I am unsure how long the test
ran in total.
Now here's a test! To be really worth anything, it needs to be 3 different
frame sizes, small medium and large, and let's pick a better builder than
Torelli. If anyone wins the lottery, we can have someone from our living list
of lusted after framebuilders build all the bikes and have a traveling tour
around the country, letting list embers from all locations ride the bikes of
their size. $100,000 ought to cover the whole project plus the write up. A
note to the framebuilders, being better looking than the next guy shouldn't
add to your lusted after standing, but we won't hold it against you if it
does. You know who you are.
Stevan, still buying lottery tickets, Thomas
Alameda, CA
Ps. anyone care to post the referenced article?