(Re: [CR]1962 Raleigh Gran Sport) Oh, Just Stop it

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

In-Reply-To: <10e.1200c346.2a295f02@aol.com>
References: <10e.1200c346.2a295f02@aol.com>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 19:27:22 -0700
To: Bikerdaver@aol.com, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: "Brandon Ives" <monkeylad@mac.com>
Subject: (Re: [CR]1962 Raleigh Gran Sport) Oh, Just Stop it

Exactly. thank you, Brandon"monkeylad"Ives

PS: Sarah if you can get that fender fixed I see no reason it shouldn't fetch $1000.

At 7:19 PM -0400 5/31/02, Bikerdaver@aol.com wrote:
>OK, enough of the diatribe already.
> If nothing else this discussion has only muddied the waters
>for Sarah. And yes, if we are all going to take a vote, I vote for
>the Monkey Lad of SB.
> He originally pointed out the Bicyclist article a few years
>back, and for those of you that did not read the article, you should.
> Now if I am not also mistaken this discussion is about 1962
>bicycle tubing. If Sarah took off all of the parts on her Raleigh
>w/hi-tens tubing and then put them on that same Raleigh but built
>with Reynolds of that same era, Joe Zamboni and crew would be
>rolling over in their grave before they could ever tell the
>difference in "the ride" between the two frames......Not to mention
>that it would be mighty hard to get a bicycle into a casket as well.
> Sarah, I suggest you offer these nay-sayers a ride on your
>bike for $1000 a pop and let them pursue their "ride" machinations
>over a pint at their local watering hole. Cheers and best o Luck,
>Dave-I used to ride an "english-racer"-Anderson
>Cut Bank MT