Re: [CR]Cirque Update...

(Example: Bike Shops:R.E.W. Reynolds)

Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 13:01:29 -0400
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Cirque Update...

You guys are all making me feel bad now, knowing I am unable to attend. I will be sitting in Pennsylvania tending to a new computer software system on call. But don't fear...I have my eyes at the cirque. A few stealthy individuals always on the lookout for me and feeding me satellite updates. I will get down there one of these years and stick someone else with taking call! But until I make it, I will be posting some post cirque mini items for sale upon everyones return. Some extra Zeus parts and other items. And Dale, I am hoping to get the bag in the mail to you so you can get it on Saturday but it will be cutting it close. I am still waiting. til later, enjoy the cirque everyone. For those driving, drive safely.

walt "always following the speed limit" Skrzypek Falls Creek, Pa "96 in a 55 zone in April in Oklahoma! and just a warning"

On Wed, 01 May 2002 08:40:10 -0700 Brian Baylis <> wrote:

Dale and friends,

Well boys and girls, the time is nearly upon us. I'm leaving tomorrow knowing that my cats and dogs will be in the capable care of my housesitter. I'm soooooo looking forward to not having to get up and feed the damn cat when I wake up as it sits on my head. That's a cruel trick; thank God my dog hasn't picked that one up!

I'm really looking forward to the melding of the framebuilders. I've never met Chris in person before and I'm also anxious to meet John Barron. I haven't seen Richie in person for a while and it's always a treat when Jan and Peter attend an event. Peter is one of my favorite personalities on account of his special brand of humor. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get to hug Jans' kneecaps again!

I know already there are those people who are unable to attend the Cirque this year and are regretting it. Plan now to attend next year. It's pretty obvious that this event, and others like it such as Velo Rendezvous, are growing exponentially every year. I can feel the electricity from this event all the way out here as I write. This is going to be a major HAPPENING! The best thing about these events BY FAR is that they bring together PEOPLE. The bikes are icing on the cake really; it's the attendees that make the event. Dale has put together a giant vintage bike magnet that is sucking large numbers of devotees to this one central location to dine on Krispy Kreme doughnuts and wallow in bike grease! I just ain't gonna get any better than that. Folks, make your plans for next year or forever hold your peace about never getting to have any FUN.

Run for cover; the class clown is on the way!

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Does anyone need me to bring a can of LA Smog for them as a token?

> Highlights of the about-to-happen Cirque du Cyclisme!....
> Frame builders in attendance include Richard Sachs from Connecticut, Chris
> Kvale from Minneapolis, Brian Baylis from San Diego and Peter Johnson from
> San Francisco, plus decal designer Chuck Schmidt, decal-maker-to-the-stars
> Gary Prange and lug maker Kirk Pacenti.
> Bikes range from antiques (a few) to MANY exotic models you have never seen
> in the flesh before!
> The list of manufacturers selling their samples has grown to include reps
> Joe Early (Louis G, Look, etc.), Jim Rasmussen (Litespeed), Jim Greene
> (Specialized), Mike Wagaman (Pearl Izumi, etc.), Amy Farnsworth (Pearl,
> etc.), Lance Landin (Rocky Mt, Spinergy, Speedplay, etc) , Roland Lizarazo
> (Fuji, Mavic, etc.)
> Folks are arriving from far points such as England, Texas, Florida, Colorado,
> Ohio, California, New York, New Jersey, Mass., etc., etc.
> Both old & new owners of Bicycle Classics will attend! Past & present
> organizers of the Larz Anderson event will be here... John Barron from
> VeloStuf.... Peter Paine and Hilary Stone are in attendance. Ray Etherton
> (originator of Classic Bicycles, UK) is coming. And the list goes on
> (Apologies to those I failed to mention in my haste to post this!)
> We have designed spaces for 85 vendors which is an expansion over last
> year.. The weather is very promising, forecast to be clear and in the mid
> 70s...
> Go here to see the schedule and pictures of previous Cirques if you are not
> familiar with it... <A
> HREF="">Cirque du
> Cyclisme</A>
> There is still time to hop in the car or on a plane and join us!
> Dale Brown
> cycles de ORO, Inc.
> 1410 Mill Street
> Greensboro, North Carolina
> USA 27408
> 336-274-5959
> Fax 336-274-6360
> <A HREF=""></A>
> <A HREF="">Classic Rendezvous</A>