I just spoke to a friend who still has his pantograph machine and I am
considering using it to engrave chain rings, stems and maybe seat posts. To
do this I will need to borrow pantographed rings to make my own templates,
and will give preferential treatment to those people who make the loan. Same
applies regarding stems and seat posts. I would also like to get an idea of
how many people would want the service and for what brands. Masi and Colnago
are a gimme, I'm open minded about others. I can't realistically price it
yet, it's not something I'm going to get rich on, but it was expensive back
then and depending on the time it takes, it may not be cheap. Please contact
me and let me know if you are a potential loaner of what so I can make a list
and let you know when I'm ready to start. At that time, I will also be able
to use some worn out large chain rings, so let me know if you are willing to
donate some of those. Last but not least, what brands would you realistically
be willing to pay for pantographing of, on your parts?
Stevan Thomas
Alameda, CA