Howdy folks, some unusual storage stuff for you today: (shipping extra) 1. HOOKS ! These are huge hooks about 1/4 inch thick, with thick rubber covers over the hook part, extremely common in bike shops, usually attached to 2x4 hanging from above. These are used and might have scuffs to the coverings and sawdust in the threads. 10 hooks for $6 2. Bicycle Stand 1: just one of these available, it's the kind of stand that looks like an inverted "Y" , and has a "hook" section that you put around the downtube, and rubber coverings anywhere where contact with the bike occurs. It is chromed steel with black rubber coverings, $5 3. Bicycle Stand 2: just one of these available, it's the kind of stand that looks like a cross and has a rectangular open tube facing upwards and you put the crank arm into the slot in the tube. It is steel and completely covered in a black thick plastic. The plastic has cracks in two small places, will not affect performance. There are little red caps on the ends of each part of the cross. $5 4. Obscure car-rack/mounting jigs. OK, I have to describe these, I'm sure you'll know what I'm talking about after the description. These are three pieces. One looks like a fork, and takes a front wheel. The next piece will fit between the dropouts of your bike's fork (you clamp the fork into place). The third piece cradles your rear wheel. The bottom of each of these pieces is shaped to mount on rectangular-shaped car-top racks, or to 2x4 pieces of wood in your pickup or in your garage or other storage area. Includes nuts/bolts/wrenches. These are just $8 for the complete set. Take 10 sets for $50. cheers, Mario Girasa, Cambridge, MA
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