>have RACED? and at what level? me-i'm a cat 2 on road and track.
Never raced... Rode with a local club mostly of cat2/3 and held my own -
on the climbs,
in the saddle, shifting or not all the way baby:) Older now, less time
to ride, but enjoy the
exhilaration of really moving a bike when on form... And on a classic
steel frame with the
requisite Campy new or old makes all the troubles of the day go away.
I've never rode ergo, but can see the benefit and know to make the playing field 'level' in the race one has to keep up with the equipement trends... Arghh. So, who is driving that bus? Racers who need the latest and greatest to keep the playing field level or Engineers, Manufactures, who convice them of that.?. Racing and Riding be to different things:)
But, I seem to recall Pantani using dt shifters up until 96/97 TdF??? And he climbs ok;)
Mike "As close to being hit by a car tonite as ever, quick turn left, finger gesture" Wilkinson Parker, CO