Re: [CR]Bicycle Mechanics book

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

From: <youngc@NetReach.Net>
Subject: Re: [CR]Bicycle Mechanics book
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 15:28:44 US/Eastern

I found a copy at Powell's after it was mentioned here. It does indeed have some useful information in it. I believe someone said here on the list that no matter how experienced a wrench one was there would be a new trick contained within the book.

I haven't gone over to the dry bottom bracket spindle school as a result of reading it nor used motor oil for chain lube but did pick some new stuff up.

One of the interesting parts for me was reading about the use of shellac in lieu of conventional tubular glue for track applications. Is this still a common (or even uncommon) practice with track wheels? Can someone tell me what the merits of shellac are over tubular glues for this application? Apart from being easier to remove from your paws and clothing once you've tagged yourself while fitting the tire...

Charlie Young Honeybrook, PA
> Group-- A few weeks ago, the book "Bicycle Mechanics-- in workshop and competition" bySteve Snowling and Ken Evans was mentioned. I asked my son (who dabbles in books) to watch for it and one arrived in yesterday's mail-- hardbound with jacket cover! He found it at in a used book section of some kind. Listing ID: 0426K319543. I don't know if there are any more or not, or how to find them it there are....... The price was $12.00. Thought someone might be interested-- Cheers-- Nelson Miller-- SeattleGet more