RE: Colnago reputation[CR]Arabesque on Ebay

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

From: "Mark Poore" <>
Subject: RE: Colnago reputation[CR]Arabesque on Ebay
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 15:38:20 -0400

The Arabesque does seem to be particularly desirable in some circles. I am with Chuck on this one in that personally I don’t find the lugs on the Arabesque particularly appealing, but then I judge the Arabesque lugs against the Rauler’s because of the similarities. And the square tubes don’t do much for me either, but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I certainly don’t want to offend anyone by saying that I don’t find the Arabesque that attractive or desirable. I know that I am not that attractive or desirable except in my wife’s eyes and that is all that matters to me.

I do find Colnagos exceptional bikes and rate them very high on my list of bikes that I lust (ok, it is overly stated) after.

With that being said below is a list of bikes and in the order of desirability for my Christmas wish list.

1. Rauler, with the lugset like the one I already have, but in red. I would just like to see another one in any condition. 2. Colnago Super or Mexico 3. De Rosa, but if I found the right one it could jump ahead of the Colnago 4. Sachs, but if I found any bike or frame in my size and good condition it would be ahead of the Colnago 5. Masi, but if…………… 6. And last but not least Pee Wee Herman’s bike from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. Any full dress bike like that that is capable of winning the Tour de France would have a place in my modest stable and could nudge out the Rauler for the top spot on the list.

Mark, everyone is talking about snow for tomorrow night, Poore

Slushshoe, W. VA.