Sellwood Cycles' address: 7639 SE Milwaukie Ave., ph. 503-233-9392. The other places you want to check out aside from the ones Janis mentioned are the Eastside Bike Gallery, 5329 NE Sandy (good cheap Chinese/Vietnamese food across the street at Zien Hong) and Bike Central, at 1st and Yamhill in downtown Portland; it's the de facto messenger HQ of the area, also the main depot for fixed gear/single speed stuff. Citybikes, at 1914 SE Ankeny deserves a look. Their phone is 503-239-0553. For other bike store ideas/cycling route advice, call Feldman's Bicycle Repair in Vancouver, WA; 360-694-4228.
David Feldman
Vancouver, WA
--- "joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <>
> im headed up to portland next weekend, and was
> wondering
> if anyone had some recommendations of shops (or
> anything
> interesting and bicycle-related) to drop by in the
> area?
> thanks in advance!
> -joel
> --
> joel metz : :
> bike messengers worldwide : ifbma :
> po box 191443 san francisco ca
> 94119-1443 usa
> ==
> i know what innocence looks like - and it
> wasn't there,
> after she got that
> bicycle...
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