Jamie Swan wrote: Chuck, Here is a picture of the jewel of my bike collection. I'm pretty sure that it is done oozing. I've pleaded with all the frame painters to sell
me transfers but the selfish dogs will only sell them as part of a complete restoration. So I am seriously considering having it repainted but I cringe at the thought of destroying the patina.(cut)
Chuck Schmidt wrote: I've had really good luck with the following: Construct a pyramid out of Robergel spokes and Velox cloth tape and place over your relic. In a
few months the relic will recreate itself in full. The tires will be flat though so you'll have to pump them up.
My local bike shop offers that service. A few of my highly patinated
training partners have tried it but the bikes come out looking way too
new for my taste. I thought that we were agreeing that we like our bikes
oozing patina. Jamie Swan - Northport, N.Y.