>" with all due respect, it's this kind of thinking that causes people to
pay out
> the wazoo for sports in public school, while at the same time cutting art
> music classes. To be willing to buy bombs, and unwilling to buy public
Wow, that's the longest reach I've ever seen and it contains no "due respect" whatsoever. I don't think I've ever come across such a wild assumption.
"Truth is, the appreciation of finer things *does* take study and reflection
> and repeated exposure"
Thanks for sharing that pearl of information , Charlie. I had no idea.
"elitism is not necessarily a sin"
Oh, but it is.
'Truth is, someone who can't appreciate the unique qualities of a Confente,
> *doesn't* know enough about them. That's a fact. Period. Dale's right."
Fine, I guess that's the end of the discussion. Charlie has spoken. That's the end of it. And I've obviously never heard of Beethoven, since I'm such a Philistine about Confente. I bow to the elitist edict.
John in Boise
> J. Dunn wrote:
> To me, this is a polite way of saying that, if you don't agree that the
> Lisa is the top of the heap or that a Confente is worth the outlandish
> prices that they bring, that you are simply ignorant. That you just don't
> know enough, and should put more time into the study of the fine things,
> because you obviously don't have enough knowledge and sophistication to
> appreciate these things. OooKaaay.
> **************
> with all due respect, it's this kind of thinking that causes people to pay
> the wazoo for sports in public school, while at the same time cutting art
> music classes. To be willing to buy bombs, and unwilling to buy public
> Truth is, the appreciation of finer things *does* take study and
> and repeated exposure. That's what a fine thing stimulates, by
> definition...in a way, that's its function, to make us bigger. This is a
> valuable thing.
> I love the Beatles greatest hits, but I'm really glad I've come to
> Beethoven's late quartets...if someone appreciated that music at a time
when I
> didn't--that person DID have more sophistication than I did. Is that a
> thing?
> I like Mondia Specials...but I'm very glad I can appreciate a Baylis or a
> Confente, and I'm glad I can recognize the difference between them, and
> celebrate the fact that a Baylis or a Confente is a much finer thing than
> Mondia Special.
> Truth is, someone who can't appreciate the unique qualities of a Confente,
> *doesn't* know enough about them. That's a fact. Period. Dale's right.
> Why the instant populist defensiveness John? Have you ever actually
> a Confente up close and at length, repeated times?
> Charles "elitism is not necessarily a sin" Andrews
> SoCal