Re: [CR] Confente, or Why Should I Care!?

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 23:03:09 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR] Confente, or Why Should I Care!?



My only point was that if I could get one, it wouldn't sit on a wall. Where did you get anything other than that from my post?? Do you think Dale was being snobbish in his post? How about Chuck? Please explain your position further.

I also own all of the Greg Parker custom framesets in this Galaxy (both of them). Should I treat them as high art and build a shrine around them?

Dazed and I guess perplexed (but I dig the backhanded Charlton Heston reference),

Greg Parker A2 MI USA Where nobody is better than anybody else because of which bike they own or ride....

Doug B. wrote:
> Greg writes interestingly:
> > Tom: If I could get a mint Confente in my size at the current market
> price,
> > I'd ride it, not hang it on the wall. To be sure, I would pamper it, and
> ride
> > it on dry, sunny days, but that's what I do with many of my bikes / cars
> /
> > cameras / etc. I pamper 'em, but I don't baby 'em. I like them to last as
> > close to my lifetime as possible.
> I suppose it's as simple as if you can afford it and love it then
> you can also _enjoy_ owning it. But to enjoy owning something
> as if this were at another's expense (I have one, you don't, I'm
> cool because I have this or that and what do you have, etc.),
> strikes me as all too puerile. I guess I don't really care what someone
> pays for anything anymore, that's their busienss (sic)..
> (A dear pal of mine just brokered a 1.5mil
> Kadinsky for a collector-client...the buyer could buy 50 at this price,
> so what?) But what comes with things are sometimes attitudes that
> go well past "these are my tastes" and become the rather less genial
> views such as "what I do or think is superior." Certainly appreciation
> is commensurate with education but all of this still leaves the matter of
> taste. And I like to appreciate fine things, share them in ways that
> others might enjoy: the whole point is loving wonderful things.
> I don't lust (for) the Confente or any Confente. I think I deeply
> appreciate
> it. I don't care for Brahms or Dogen either, which has nothing to do
> with their greatness or my getting it. Because there are so few
> of these bikes and no more of them, I think of them _more_ as
> art than bikes. Herse is rare but turns up, Singer is still
> made, and may Sachs, Baylis, and JoeStarck/CurtGoodrich, Dave
> Bohm live LONG and prosper!! I don't collect bikes as art but
> _why_ should I bother to I think less of anyone who does?
> My tastes run to things French and other bikes that I really love to _ride_,
> like the Rivendells, Sachs, Mariposa, and even some bikes that way beyond
> this List's interests or, dare I say preferences or good opinions. Isn't it
> more that we share what we like with others and invite them to enjoy it?
> I find this thread unnecessarily confrontational but such is passionate
> love, no?
> Too many words but I think the Confente is just swell and I hope
> whomever buys it, loves owning it and passes it along to the next
> person who feels just as strongly about it.
> happy to have had my share of neat things, and still
> curious about the final price the same way I am interested
> what folks pay for art,
> Douglas Brooks
> Canandaigua, NY