Dan and Holly wrote:
> While I normally stay in the background I feel compelled to speak on this one! Not sure if it is genuine but I have to agree with Steve's initial skepticism. Look at the outside points on the arms vs the box photo - pointed vs rounded. Not the same (Unless there's a diamond with a <4> on one and a circle with a (3) on the other - Joke!!). I grew up in shops, I drink wine, I dream of wasting money on a Campy corkscrew, and I have several bike part distributor catalogs that I can order from through a former bike industry job and none of them contain, and I have -Never- seen, a white plastic Campy corkscrew. Pewter or Bronze, that is all! Perhaps this is a new ceramic "Record" model, or maybe an Italy/Euro not-for-export model.
> Can Mr. Storino enlighten us? Will he send a cease and desist letter if it is a fake?
> Dan Tedford
> SF "Whine-city-USA", CA
Hmmmmmmmmm... It is all starting to come back to me now... If my memory serves me it was back in 1992...
Ah yes, now I remember, Valentino Campagnolo proposed a joint venture with PEDRO'S® after he saw their Milk Levers© (tire levers made molded from recycled milk container plastic) at PEDRO'S® trade show booth in 1992. Valentino wanted to bring the Campagnolo Cavaturaccioli (corkscrew) that his father Tullio had introduced in 1974 into the nineties with the introduction of a more ecologically sound design and he thought that recycled milk container plastic was the way to accomplish this.
The result was the Campagnolo Cavaturaccioli, California Limited Edition© (target market was those bike riding, tree hugging, wine guzzling Californians). It is, of course, milky white in color and comes in a box made from recycled paper. Very rare to find now as there was a recall when it was found that the material was too soft and flexy to pull the cork out of a bottle of chianti. That and the fact that a little crack could form at the web of the levers!
It is very important to remember that these white plastic Campagnolo Cavaturaccioli, California Limited Edition© vintage corkscrews are known to crack and fail at the most inopportune times so should be considered a display item only and never EVER used for their intended purpose!!!
Chuck Schmidt SoPas, SoCal http://www.velo-retro.com (Campagnolo Timeline© on site; soon to be updated with Campagnolo Cavaturaccioli, California Limited Edition© date)