[CR]What did I miss this time?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 14:33:23 -0700
From: "Brian Baylis" <rocklube@adnc.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]What did I miss this time?

Hi everyone,

My computer went haywire just as the recent firestorm began. I saw Arnolds' first post and several impressivly polite responces from listmembers and then my email stopped. I'm back now and had a chance to catch up and I have to say that although unfortunate, all this happening has allowed us to seperate some wheat from the chaffe. I'm impressed with our group, as I've always been, but now it's obvious that we are in fact a small "community" and as such, contained therein are a diversity of interests relative to our topic.

The only thing I'd like to say about the whole mess is that there was some mention of "off topic" posts pertaining to Twizzlers and the like that some of the fashionably late arrivals to the party are not privvy to the relevance of. If I'm wrong about what I'm about to say then I welcome comments that will enlighten me. For those who will not or have not made it to any of our major gatherings on either coast, these "topics" seem to not make sense and may seem quite off topic. My feeling is that participating in a little "fun" related to what we experienced at these gatherings helps others to get a slight feel for what they are missing; hopefully to the point that they will join us at the next opportunity. The party that someone likened this list to is basically directly on topic but if no one tells a joke now and then and a little "personality" and fun isn't added to the party, it's just too dry. At that point we might as well be a group of (select a dry group of your choice) standing around in suits and keeping our personalities in our pocket. As long as it is in good taste, good fun, and kept under control volumewise, really there is no reason to complain in my opinion. Arnold obviously came late and hadn't given us enough time to show him what this is actually all about.

I'm dissappointed he left so soon. On the other hand, the other person who got out of control is a different matter. Ironically I recieved a personal email from that person a few day prior to all of this imploring me to "STOP" (repeated numerous times) in responce to my post to Duane and the Cyclesmiths photos. He didn't say anything beyond "stop" so I decided to sit tight for a little while to figure out who this person was and what objection he had to my "joking" with Duane. Duane got it (he has a marvelous sense of humor which we trade back and forth) and most, if not everyone else, knew I was pulling Duanes' tail in fun; but Mr. Miller was the exception. I'm glad I didn't respond right away after seeing what sort of person was on the other end.

Personally I hope that Mr. Miller is not that way in public and I would be quite curious to meet this person face to face. I suspect we might see a different approach to personal relations since at that point there is no computer to lend anominity to him. Unfortunately, I'm sure most of us have already decided what kind of person he is. I truely hope that Mr. Hyde is only a computer personality, not that it's any excuse for his behavior because it is not. But I'm still curious what this person is like in public. I suspect we will never know.

Dales' "living room" is my place of comfort and social life. I enjoy his generous hospitality and the company of my MANY good friends while I'm here. I do my best to show my respect for all that he is doing for us, has done for us, and will do for us. If I step over the line with some "comic relief" every so often, then please forgive me. My only intention is to be myself and contribute with opinions, knowledge, experiences, and a little (I know, VERY little) personality now and then. It's too bad Arnold didn't give us enough time before passing judgement on this group. We will miss him and what he may have had to offer. In regards to this group, "that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger". I hope this experience has done the same. I know one thing; the more I know you people the more I like you, carry on!

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Didn't realize how dependant I've become on email. I resorted to using the TELEPHONE last night!