Re: [CR]e-Richie's Vintage Brochures / Catalogs - How to make them yours.

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 21:35:04 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]e-Richie's Vintage Brochures / Catalogs - How to make them yours.
From: "Steven m Johnson" <>

Whew, Super-Scanning Duane has rendered all those pages of neat bike stuff into .jpg, and Mark lets it all sit there for us to grab. So the next question the greedy of us ask is, "How do we grab all those electrons?"

From the archives, I appended an email from last Nov to the list from Mark that I used to ftp the first set of scans. (Hopefully, Mark will see this as not having to repeat himself, and not me inviting him to pay for all the beer in Dale's livingroom.)

The Stuff behind the ">" is the latest URL, and below that is the archive message telling a CR listmember how to ftp these scans without opening each one up and saving them to local.

For the originals set of scans, I waited a couple of weeks for the feeding frenzy to die down, and then vacumed out the files with an FTP.

Steven M. Johnson, Chesapeake, VA (I should not be looking at page 6 of that Bikeology catalog! The top in Saronni Red, not the bottom.)'81/bike06.jpg

> On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 12:08:46 -0700 Duane Kennard <> writes:
> Also available via HTTP,

---------------------FROM THE CR ARCHIVES---------------------------- [CR]The ultimate cycling screen saver... [mostly OT] Mark Bulgier Tue, 13 Nov 2001 00:52:30 -0800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- one you put together yourself. I have a modest collection of over 400 cycling photos (many, maybe most? with classic content), and run a little photo viewing/editing program called VuePrint ( that has a great screensaver feature - and lots of other great features too. (There are probably other programs that can do a lot of this too, but VuePrint is the one I know) VuePrint is free to try, and $40 to buy if you like it. See below for more on VuePrint if you're interested. I have no connection to the company that sells it, just a happy customer

If you want to grab my collection of photos as a start or addition to your own, feel free. This offer is for CR members only please - don't go advertising it on the web (not that you would!) It's at and also at (Downloading them *all* is only really an option for people with fast internet connections - it's about 45 megabytes. But you can pick and choose too.)

The main advantage of the second, FTP link, is: with most good FTP clients, you can just select all the folders at once, and download 'em all with just a mouse click or two. I believe, on the website, you'd just have to open each photo one by one and save it - and repeat 400 times. (Someone let me know if there's an easier way.) There are several good free or shareware FTP clients; all the big shareware sites have a selection. "WS_FTP" is the one I know best (doesn't mean it's the best one...), available at: My FTP site is limited to 4 users at a time, because you're using the same DSL pipeline that I use for browsing, e-mailing etc. In the unlikely event of more than 4 people trying to get on at once, you'll get a message saying try again later.

Sorry my website is so basic, no thumbnail pics, just a file listing - I'm no webmaster. I also need to apologize in advance for any copyrighted material that may have snuck in there - I will immediately take anything down if the owner asks me to. I collected them from various web sources for my own use, and I hope it's OK to share 'em with my friends for non-commercial use. _________________________________________

About VuePrint: It can crop, rotate, resize and other basics, though for serious photo editing you'll want something more full-featured, PaintShopPro perhaps. But VuePrint shines at displaying photos, so I recommend letting it be your default viewer for jpegs.

The things I like best about it are:

(*)How small and fast it is - double-click a jpeg and it opens seemingly instantly (especially compared to Internet Explorer, the Windows default viewer for photos, a real pig to load just to view a photo). The installer you download is under a megabyte.

(*)The way it scales larger photos down to the window size, so there are no scrollbars - you can see the whole thing in whatever size window you want. Left-click anywhere on the photo to zoom in, right-click to zoom out.

(*)The way you can go through all the photos in a folder with just the spacebar -- <backspace> takes you to the previous file. Having to use the "File/Open" dialog boxes each time (as in most other programs) is a real pain in comparison.

(*)The screensaver and slideshow features - just point it at a folder and it'll show the contents of it (including subfolders), with the delay and transition effects you choose. I use random effects, so each transition uses a different kind of fade-in.

OK, it's just a computer program, but I'd have to say it does enhance my enjoyment of bikes in a small way. I sure hope this was at least somewhat helpful to someone out there.


Mark Bulgier Seattle, Wa USA

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