[CR]Toe Overlap & Wild Asparagus

(Example: Framebuilding:Technology)

From: "Mark Poore" <rauler47@hotmail.com>
To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2002 09:03:18 -0400
Subject: [CR]Toe Overlap & Wild Asparagus

Finished building up my Medici (thanks Brian B. for the correct pronunciation) last week with a triple to better tackle the mountains in this area. The Tommasini with it’s 39x23 got to be a bit too much on the long multiple climbs that one encounters here, at least for my old legs. Now I don’t know about you all but when I am climbing for long stretches at a time the mind wanders off and some of the flashes that come into it makes one wonder. While on such a climb yesterday I began thinking of the three bikes I have and what makes them different, besides the equipment. The Rauler has for me what I have come to regard as the Magical Mystery Ride. Although not really any mystery the feel of the ride is not always duplicated by another bikes with everything being the same except maybe the tubing, here we go again. It has a 39-inch wheelbase, 56cm c-t, 56cm c-c and a bottom bracket, drop I forgot the measurement, but it is a 1/16th of an inch lower than the Medici and Tommasini, and no toe overlap. The Medici and Tommasini both have a 38 5/8 inch wheelbase with toe overlap. The Tommasini has all the same measurements and angles as the Rauler, but the toptube is .5cm shorter and the fork has slightly less rake with the toe overlap just at a minimal. The Medici on the other hand has as slacker seat angle and a steeper head angle with a good bit more toe overlap. All three bikes have a different feel to them, but the Rauler and Tommasini have a similar feel, but slightly different. The Medici, although it is a wonderful riding bike, it feels much different the other two. My question is with the increased toe overlap I would think that would put ones center of mass just a tad forward in relationship to the axle of the front wheel thus giving the bike a slightly different feel to it among other things. Would like to hear others ideas on this matter, in particular the frame builders.

While out doing our 37-mile loop yesterday with Leslie I stopped many times to pick fresh wild asparagus. After eating a good bit of it raw I filled the three pockets of my jersey and Leslie and I headed home. Will roast it with olive oil tonight.

Mark, the benefits that come with cycling are many, Poore

Sunny W VA