Re: [CR]listing for Bicycle Guide mags

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

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Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 23:42:11 -0400
From: "Warren & Elizabeth" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]listing for Bicycle Guide mags

My brain hurts when I try to decipher all of the "Oomloffs" in this post. Kinda like reÄiding a ransom note...See! Now I'm döing it.

I get it...but I wonder why anyway. The dreaded Nordic e-mail virus?

Warren Young (Äì) Toronto

>I have been asked to relist the Bicycle Guide mags for auction - the proceeds
>of which will go to the operation of the Cirque - via GVC.
>OK, I gotta be crazy ’Äì these are priceless - to be able tore-re-read on
>winter days ’Äì but, here goes! These will be auctioned on the CR newsgroup
>with all proceedsgoing toward supporting the costs to put on the Cirque. So,
>you write a check made out to GreensboroVelo Club, and, it’Äôs tax deductible
>(I think ’Äì y’Äôall correct me if I’Äôm wrong,but I think that GVC is a
>non-profit org). These are a good representation of lots of the great
>issuesthat Bicycle Guide put out ’Äì and the final issues that were at the
>thatB.G. was taken over by Peterson’Äôs ’Äì making it Bicyclist magazine ’Äì
>butfollowing pretty much the same formats. Thirty one issues. LOTS
>ofwonderfully made lugged, steel frames, bikes, and the etc. Racing ’Äì yea,
>lots of US racing coverage, aswell as European. All of them are ingreat
>shape, tho’Äô you’Äôll find turned down corners and drool marks (oh, if I
>the lotto!). I figure that thesecould be used to build the book that we all
>want that shows all of the’Äúclassic’Äù frame builders ’Äì yea, there’Äôs
>that much
>in them! As stated, this is for the costs of hosting the Cirque ’Äì so’Äì
>not that much for the pleasure we all get from these two great parts ofour
>lives! Just start the bidding with your reply/emailto the CR or better yet,
>offline to me.
>1998 Bicyclist Oct, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Feb,
>1997 Bicyclist Dec, Oct, Aug, Jul
>1997 Bicycle Guide Jun, May, Apr, Feb
>1996 Bicycle Guide Dec, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun, May, Apr, Mar, Feb
>1995 Bicycle Guide Nov, Oct, Sep, Aug, Jul, Jun
> I think that bidding on these for just two of issues alone are worth it, as
>they are really special to me. The July ’Äô96issue ’Äì this one has the
>Rivendell review ’Äì in full colour! TheApril ’Äô96 issue ’Äì it has
>article on frame building ’Äì the cover is a great zoomed view of a seatlug
>just brazed! The frame buildingincludes brazing, fillet brazing, and tig
>welding ’Äì but is still hep on steel! Also in this issue is an article on
>riding the Blue Ridge Parkway (a ride to do again and again) and, other than
>Rivendell (you really SHOULD go ahead and order a RIV frame - ain't nothin’Äô
>better riding!!!), my other frame lust ’Äì Holland of Reistertown, MD (the
>fastback seatstays are sexy!). EACH of thesetwo issues should go for
>something special, say for $25. But, you get them as a part of this set! I
>hope that everyone finds this ’Äúissue’Äù a great cause ’Äì
>it’Äôssomething that we
>all enjoy so much, and, note that we have never paid a cent for all of it.
>Start bidding! Linwood Hines
>I hope that this clears up any questions.
>Linwood Hines