[CR]Centerpulls - OH NO NOT AGAIN

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

From: "Thomas Rawson" <twrawson@worldnet.att.net>
To: <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 20:15:21 -0700
Subject: [CR]Centerpulls - OH NO NOT AGAIN

Some of you may remember last winters questions concerning centerpull brakes. Well, the Hetchins frame has arrived and the mating with its new (old) Mafac Competiton centerpulls has occured. The frame in its former life had what the owner called a normal reach sidepull brake set that ignored the CP brazeons. The Competition set I had acquired also seemed to be of that persuasion, but after mounting I find the brake pads just barely meet the rims with the brake posts all the way at the very top of the adjusting slots.

Andrew Moore forwarded a page from Sutherlands detailing various centerpull brake brands/models and gives distance from mounting bolt to top of slot, center of slot and bottom of slot. Its a big fat file and if anyone wants it Id be glad to email it to you.

It reveals an interesting possible solution to my problem above. There were no less than 4 versions of Competition brake sets. Heres a mini chart:

# top slot center slot bottom slot Cn0A 39 44 49 Cn1A 44 49 54 Cn2A 49 54 59 Cn3A 51 58.5 66

I apparently have the Cn2A with a center slot of 54mm. Would love to get my hands on a Cn1A, or.......... What Im curious about and wonder if anyone remembers - How were these different reaches accomplished. It would seem the arms could be longer or shorter or the mounting bracket could be taller or shorter or some combination. Anyone know?

Tom Rawson
Oakland, CA