[CR]Dumb question time...

(Example: Framebuilding)

From: "ltbradley" <ltbradley@msn.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 19:59:22 -0700
Subject: [CR]Dumb question time...

Amongst my bicycles I have one that has been a good mate over the years. I purchased it in 1981 in Singapore whilst I was working there as a member of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. (Honestly I was...) I call this machine my "little black bike." I have ridden it more my miles than any other I have owned, including rides well up into the Malay Penisula. The frame has very severe geometry but is a sweet ride. The bottom bracket is marked "champion tange," the lugs are "pointy" with very pretty with cut-out centres. It has a fully sloping fork crown that is plated. It is clearly very well made; obviously Japanese in origin. The dropouts are Shimano. When I purchased it (new) it had transfers (decals) that identified it as a "Motioncraft." Am I correct in thinking this may have been made by Bridgestone? It doesn't have the cache of my Mercian, Carlton or Hetchins but seems, at least from a ridability (is that a word?) view-point to have some merit. I cherish this machine: am I nuts, or does it have any value beyond my own emotional attachment? Lawrence (getting sentimental in Tacoma, WA) Bradley