OUCH, that smarts! OK, I was about to file on some lugs but I'll stand in the corner facing the wall for an hour first for that violation. I knew when I was writing it that technically it was a Record crank, but to avoid confusion........
The funny thing is that I was expecting someone to scold me for bastardizing a crankarm. Actually I found two sets of Record 165mm crankarms. The other set is NOS(!) so I decided to spare that set the drilling and see if a 144 bcd triplizer exists. Thanks to everyone who pointed me in the right direction. I'm not up on touring parts that much; so I'm learning some new things. Anyone have a 68T (yes, that's correct, 68Tooth) 144 bcd chainring? I do.
Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA I'll set the timer, Bobby; when it dings you can leave the corner and go downstairs and file bike frames.