I: [CR]Chesini Campione Del Mondo Bicycle?

(Example: Events:BVVW)

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 23:40:55 -0500
From: "The Maaslands" <TheMaaslands@comcast.net>
Subject: I: [CR]Chesini Campione Del Mondo Bicycle?
To: Classic Rendezvous <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

Chesini is based in the province of Verona, so the source is correct. At present, they make some very nice bicycles. From your description, this could date from the period when they were one of the bigger shops in Verona. During this period, Chesini, like other 'names' had a full range of bikes for their local market. This means that they sold city bikes, mid-range and high-end bikes out of their shop. The same is also true for Pinarello, Bottecchia, Atala...etc

It is therefore difficult to say that much about your bike. In all likelihood, it was an inexpensive 'racing' bike built up for those that couldn't afford the very best, but still insisted on a lively ride.

Basically, what I wanted to say is that the model bikes offered in the Italian or French home market with a given name, do not necessarily correspond to those seen here in North America. You are probably right that it is not that great a bike from the 'mojo' or collector's point of view, but could give you a nice ride.

Steven Maasland
Moorestown, NJ

----- Original Message -----
From: nickzz@mindspring.com
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 7:48 PM
Subject: [CR]Chesini Campione Del Mondo Bicycle?

> This is a recent acquisition I am searching for info on.Any help would be
> appreciated.
> Chesini head tube badge with Chesini steel headset.All except the tires appear
> to be in original condition,most components are steel except Weinmann 600
> brakeset,Nisi Toro tubular rims,& Simplex seatpost.
> Frame is marked with Campione Del Mondo decals.
> Seat tube decal is marked:
> Premio Internationale
> Ercole D'oro
> Assegnato
> alla
> Bicicletta
> Chesini
> Roma 1972
> Oscar della
> Bicicletta
> Campagnolo Velox rear derailleur,Valentino looking front derailleur.Steel
> cottered crankset with no visible name markings.Roto steel cage pedals.Gnutti
> quick release levers on unidentifiable low flange steel hubs.3ttt alloy
> mod.Gran Prix bars & alloy stem.Gipiemme front & rear dropouts.No tubing
> labels,but it does not appear to be top of the line quality.
> Anybody seen one of these?Original owner claimed to have bought it while on
> holiday in Verona.
> Thanks,
> Nick Zatezalo
> Atlanta,Ga.
> _______________________________________________
