Re: [CR]Now:Sharing Was:"Experts" Was:Where we get our info

(Example: Framebuilders:Tony Beek)

Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 00:41:46 -0700
From: "Brian Baylis" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Now:Sharing Was:"Experts" Was:Where we get our info
References: <> <> <a05111701b952a5a97069@[]> <>


I wanted to respond to this thread a day or two ago but I've just been too busy to sit down and write. My project is now finished and I've got a minute; I'd like to mention something about those who post and those who "lurk". Perhaps it may seem odd to some; but I consider both types to be "contributors". The active posters often just happen to be anyone who has some knowledge and experience on a given topic. Considering the interests of this group it is not hard to imagine that some people will be in a position to have more experiences related to certain sub-topics than others. I would guess that is typical of most organizations. We tend to look at the "contributions" to our group in terms of those who post. My feeling is that is backwards.

Without a vessel to pour our collective knowledge into (that would be the lurkers) there would be no reason for our group to exist. Every single day I read and learn something of interest and use to me on this list. It matters not where it originates. Wheather the contributor is aware of it or not, that person has been of benifit to at least a few of us. To know that there are 700 persons out there listening to our jibberish and possibly being informed, entertained, and inspired by some of it makes the "vessel" more important than the source. The spreading of knowledge is the only reason to collect it. Some of us spend their day to day lives wallowing in the sorts of things that many on the list might envy. Let me assure you; without a group such as this to share it with and the feedback that comes from that, there is nothing left but tedious work and the eternal search for some Mojo to throw at these frames.

So I for one appreciate that there are 660 or so "silent members" whose very existance gives meaning to my life. And to be perfectly honest, I never would have thought that I could have so much fun and find so many good friends at a keyboard. Upon occassion someone will comment on my writing style which is something I would never have expected; having given up all forms of writing right after high school. Without some responce and encouragement (you know, suggestions as to how to destroy my keyboard, loose the address, etc.) life would be too common and dull around here.

Thank you all for being part of the list. Those who post infrequently or never are every bit as valid as anyone else. Without someone to recieve we cannot give. Without someone to make use of our experiences, take advantage of our collective knowledge, and administer feedback there is little point in having these things. As always, I can't thank Dale enough for presenting this opportunity for all of us to interact, wheather it be actively or passively.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA I'm behind on some of my responces. I'll be doing some catching up.