RE: [CR]Of Campagnolo SR Seat Posts

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]Of Campagnolo SR Seat Posts
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:51:57 -0400
Thread-Topic: [CR]Of Campagnolo SR Seat Posts
Thread-Index: AcIpCMzEnXQOhgp/RP+jVTjo2YZK3wAAhOQw
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <>
To: <>

>>>I have a Campag seat post that I have always considered to be a first generation SR. It has two bolts with flutes--- so what is it? Last generation NR?<<<
>>>That is the first gen SR... That is, if the flutes are factory and not some sort of aftermarket pantographing. It's the most sought -after of the SR posts, by far. The three other 1-bolt posts are considered to be the second generation SR, by any normal person.<<<

Well, I certainly don't want to be considered normal!

I have one of the two-bolt posts with the flutes cut into it after-the-fact. I'll take a pic and add it to the album.

Wayne Bingham
Falls Church, VA