Re: [CR]To be a classic or not

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

From: "Renaissance-Cycles" <>
To: "Tom Sanders" <>, <>
References: <005201c24af7$e1f36f00$ead2f50c@C1921978A>
Subject: Re: [CR]To be a classic or not
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 01:32:05 +0200

Think it was the Sh#^$% brakes that did it!!.................Joke! Classic or not I love that crankset! And I will be looking for a supplier soon!

Anyway It's got some groovy luggs and a fork crown and no over sized tubing! As other would say it's in the CR guide lines!............Right Greg!............I 'll be contacting you soon!...................So what more can I say, IT's GOT MY VOTE!! Yeh! Yeh! let me have it, but I don't give a r$%^ a36! Out to have some fun! Hey! It's past 1AM and I'm working away! At about 3AM I'm out side for some B ball any one in the neighborhood your welcome to drop by to shoot some baskets!.................Really!

yEp! sOmE oF YoU are prBabLy wOndERIng wHO iN THe hElL Is ThIS nUT CasE! OnE Of ThE oLder dOgS ThAT DoSEn't bARK mucH bEcAuSE hE'S fEd wElL.

wHo eLSE, bC BaRoN cOrPuz............EiNDhOven HoLLand!.............Sorry Dale! No where to go to have some fun!.................Just this crazy list!

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Sanders
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2002 12:53 AM
Subject: [CR]To be a classic or not

I sure seem to have stirred up a hornets nest with my comment to the effect that the Rivendell is a classic if there ever was one. I received some E-mails (some from folks whose opinion I deeply revere who disagreed with me. The upside of this is I got some links to some classic bikes in an order to show me what a classic truly is. They are right. Every one is a classic and I was really thrilled to see one about Peugeot PX 10s. A friend is restoring the only Lemon Ice one that I had ever seen. I sold him this treasure about 20 years ago. Let me say this...If we are to discuss only antique bikes, so be it. We may be so hide bound that there is little room for dissent, but I don't think so. I love the idea of a Chrome donut, and I love John Price's stunningly beautiful Rivendell With its' classic attention to detail and wonderful paint and gorgeous lug work. To me it will always be a classic and if you haven't actually looked at the pictures, you should. I'll even enclose the link to them at the end of this missal. My deepest apologies to those who find my viewpoint offensive, but I still believe it to be a valid one.
Tom Sanders
Lansing, Michigan