At 10:12 AM -0400 8/25/02, Roy H. Drinkwater wrote:
>This badge sounds intriguing to me, does anyone have a picture or
>link to what it looks like? If it's classic looking enough, maybe
>Chuck could make it into a t-shirt!
Didn't the Boy Scouts have a cycling badge too? I've always been
intrigued by those old guys with a vest full of patches I see at big
rides like STP and RAMROD. I know most of the patches come from
randonneuring brevets and someday I too will have the free time and
money to persue this aspect of the sport. There has to be a web page
with pictures of these patches, does anybody have the URL. . . Jan?
CLASSIC BIKE CONTENT: The old guys with patches going back 50 years
all ride "classic" bikes. The bikes were the first thing to draw my
"Nobody can do everything, but if everybody
did something everything would get done."
--Gil Scott-Heron--
Elfie and Monkeyboy's Wurld uv Wunder