I was musing over Tom Dalton's recent reply to "WTB campagnolo hoods" and the inflated prices of parts which we used to routinely replace. I went to my bike boxes and dug out that 1980 Bicyclesport, Toronto catalogue again (they had a price list which included every component they sold). I am not an economist but here are some Campy figures for items I was looking for recently for those of you who are more mathematically minded to crunch (figures are in Canadian dollars).
Dustcaps $4.90 (pr.) - now selling for over $35.00
Hoods $14.00 (pr.) - anywhere from $30-$80 and being offered for as much as $125.00!!!
BB Sleeve $4.50 - $15.57 - not bad!
Chain-ring bolts $2.00 (I believe for all five!) - now about $40.00
Isn't rarity an interesting thing? And this is just for c.1980 shield-logo components.
Paul "procrastinating again" Williams, Ottawa, Ontario