I shot my Mafac collection.
Please do not despise my "Japanese style collection".
Kenji Fusejima Yokohama Japan
At 0:54 PM +0900 02.8.28, kenji fusejima wrote:
>I have a circa 1960s Mafac catalog. It shows three types of Guidonnet levers.
>GE Guidonnet enfant : for children
>G1, G2 Guidonnet cyclotouriste gauche et droite : I think that they are
>dural (aluminum) for adult.
>GDA1, GDA2 Guidonnet cyclotouriste delrin arme gauche et droite : They are
>delrin (plastic) coated metals.
>I think that the levers as David shows are "V1, V2 Poignee ville deportee
>gauche et droite".
>Kenji Fusejima
>Yokohama Japan
>At 8:30 PM -0400 02.8.27, Wdgadd@aol.com wrote:
>>In a message dated 8/27/02 6:21:18 PM, Huemax@aol.com writes:
>><< Ones I see in ebay are not guidonnet
>>rather regular straignt brake levers to me. >>
>>"So here are those levers I was inquiring about:
>> I think these were called "Ville" or somthing like that- for use on
>>upright bars on "town" bikes.
>>Best regards,
>>Wes Gadd