Arrgh, wrong link but maybe it'll drum up some business for Walt's Mondonico which is very reasonably priced. I already have a Mondonico and it is way to big for me... Here is the intended link for the Galli/GP4 wheelset
> Thanks for the tip, but I see a Italian Mondonico frameset there, no Galli
> hubs.
> Michael Lebron
> Noho, NYC
> ----------
> >From: youngc@NetReach.Net
> >To:
> >Subject: [CR]Galli hubbed wheelset on eBay
> >Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2002, 4:45 AM
> >
> >Someone was looking for Galli hubs for a build:
> >
> ><blah>
> >
> >no connection, etc.
> >
> >Charlie Young
> >Honeybrook,
> >PA