RE: [CR]Was: Campy crank breakage, Now: Ferrari incompetence....

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: RE: [CR]Was: Campy crank breakage, Now: Ferrari incompetence....
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 13:41:40 -0400
Thread-Topic: [CR]Was: Campy crank breakage, Now: Ferrari incompetence....
Thread-Index: AcJOu423LtNlkbnDEda/2gBQBLC6Xg==
From: "Rich Rose" <>
To: "Classic Rendezvous Mail List (E-mail)" <>

<<snipped>> Interesting (if off topic) statistics here. Ferrari has more retirements than any other team in the history of F1.

<<reply>> More wins too!!!!!!!! Some on Campagnolo Rims? Richard Rose (Toledo, Ohio)