dressing up is way cool. here's me, dressed up, at the finish
line at a stage in the killington stage race two summers ago.
red is the new black... e-RICHIE Richard Sachs Cycles No.9, North Main Street Chester, CT 06412 USA http://www.richardsachs.com Tel. 860.526.2059
On Wed, 28 Aug 2002 23:37:14 -0700 Chuck Schmidt
<chuckschmidt@earthlink.net> writes:
> So I was having this discussion off-list about dressing to match
> your
> bike. Now I know lots of guys get the current clothes to match
> their
> modern bikes, like a Postal Trek with Postal team clothes, but do
> any of
> you do the same with your vintage bike.
> This is me at a local vintage ride the other day. Anyone else out
> there
> play dress up or do you think it's over the top?
> http://www.velo-retro.com/
> (yeah the bike is from 1950 and I'm from 1944... there, I said it...
> I'm
> even older than this beat-up Bianchi Fogorissima)
> On the West Coast the vintage rides are pretty much like a party.
> Is it
> like that where you ride when you get together?
> Chuck Schmidt
> SoPas, SoCal
> .