Re: [CR]Right/left - A british perspective?

(Example: Books)

Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 22:20:17 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Right/left - A british perspective?
From: "M_A_Lebr=?ISO-8859-1?B?8w==?=n" <>
To: "Hilary.stone" <>

For what it is worth, in 1974 I bought a Holdsworth in a shop in Battersea in southwest London for the express purpose of using it to tour throughout Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium and France.

It came right hand-rear brake, left hand-front brake.

Michael Lebron NYC


>From: "Hilary.stone" <>

>To: <>, <>, <>

>Subject: Re: [CR]Right/left - A british perspective?

>Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2002, 2:34 PM


>Yes bicycles sold in bike shops must have right brake lever to front brake

>and left lever to rear. It is only that the bikes must be sold that way -

>riders are perfectly free to swap their brakes over after buying it. Custom

>bikes are exempt from this requirement.


>Hilary Stone, where I will be with the Veteran-Cycle Club who are spending

>tomorrow afternoon at Eastway circuit, time trialling and mass start racing

>their older bikes tomorrow, London




>Gilbert Anderson wrote:


>> This may have already been covered but I was informed by one of my British

>> suppliers that like right hand drive in cars ( driving on the left), right

>> actuated front brakes and left actuated rear brakes are required by law under

>> the governance of the British equivalent of the CPSC (USA Consumer Product

>> Saftey Commission).


>> Hilary, is it a law mate,