<<W**Ker is a very, very,very naughty word where I come from. ('scuse my misplaced preposition) Seriously, it bothers me to see it used on the list... Could I suggets "plonker" as alternative? (They don't even say w**ker on EastEnders...) Lawrence P. H. Bradley, Tacoma, WA, USA (but born in Kent, England)>>
I'm guessing you're not much of an Austin "D'ya fancy a shag, baby?" Powers fan?
The Brits I know, and the Aussies I grew up with, aren't nearly as discriminating regarding the "w" word.
Classic content.... my Motobecane Grand Record is dusted off for a classic ride with a couple of other listers this Sunday. That bike has amazing handling -- neutral, predictable, yet pleasingly responsive. Excellent front end geometry.