favorit e-RICHIE
Richard Sachs Cycles
No.9, North Main Street
Chester, CT 06412 USA
Tel. 860.526.2059
On Mon, 12 Aug 2002 12:29:28 EDT PBridge130@aol.com writes:
> John "just curious comrades" Price>>
> Hi, John,
> The USSR elite riders were on Colnagos for as long as I can
> remember, leading
> me to conclude that the various Soviet five year plans didn't
> include high
> performance bicycles. There was a pretty respectable Czech racing
> frame,
> built using Italian castings, and eastern bloc tubing, if I recall
> correctly.
> I can't dredge its name out of my dimming memory. Someone on the
> list will
> remember it.
> Nice ride yesterday, nice change of pace and scenery. Gotta do it
> more
> often.
> Cheers,
> Peter Bridge
> Denver, CO