I really like these wheels and they go for less than $100 a set on e-bay periodically. There are different spoke configurations so keep a close eye for what you want. The 16 spoke or whatever minimal front wheel might be a bit skimpy for most. If I remember these were big money ($300) way back.
Joe Bender-Zanoni
Great Notch NJ
> several of my friends (and myself) have always wondered
> what became of roval? did they get bought up or...?
> though virtually nothing in even the craziest of spoked
> wheel design these days is truly new (a fair number of the
> straight-pull and non-standard flange designs of todays
> hubs being 100+ years old), some of the wheelsets out
> there do seem to have taken quite a bit of influence from
> the roval design...
> theyre still great wheels, and a steal at the price theyre at
> right now...
> -joel
> >If you react very quickly there is a set of Roval wheels for sale on
> >ebay:
> >http://ebay.com/<blah>
> >
> >For those that don't know of Roval, they are French made 'aero'
> >wheels that first came out in the late 70's IIRC. They rode very
> >well. They far outdate the whole aero craze and are definitely
> >period-correct for most SR equipped bikes. Even as a second set of
> >wheels they could be a bargain.
> >
> >Steven Maasland
> >Moorestown, NJ
> >
> >
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> >_______________________________________________
> --
> joel metz : magpie@messengers.org : http://www.blackbirdsf.org/
> bike messengers worldwide : ifbma : http://www.messengers.org/
> po box 191443 san francisco ca 94119-1443 usa
> ==
> i know what innocence looks like - and it wasn't there,
> after she got that bicycle...